So it only took 6 days for my eldest son to lose his iPhone privilege. He has BEGGED me for a phone for over a year. 'All the kids have one' , 'I'm the only kid at school without one'....blah blah blah. So the day after school ended, he got one. It was time anyway. He got cold busted by his Dad that he and some neighborhood friends were prank calling businesses pretending to order pizza. 6 days. No iPhone, no iPad. I'm usually one to cave. Not now. Not when I only have 8 years before I release this kid to the world. No way. Accountability at its finest.
Speaking of 'releasing to the world'. How was the concept of online FAST/rocket speed pre approvals EVER allowed? This information, released to the public, the mere concept that you can submit an online application, and have a computer generated 'approval' to make an offer? Whoever invented that concept should be stopped. Its a total farce. How do I know this? My team receives on average FIVE 911 calls per week to save deals that other lenders can't do. It's heartbreaking.
Have your clients get a 2nd opinion! There is no cost, only time. Of the five this week, we told 3 to stick it out, stay the course. The other 2, we SAVED! They had been denied by other lenders 1 week before closing, and we turned them around. Closing next week!
Upcoming Realtor
Training Workshops
Lunch & Learn: Introduction to Mobile Technology
Monday June 13th
@ 11:30 am- 1:00 pm
Builder Panel- Trends In New Construction
Wednesday, June 22
@10:30 - 12:00
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
Breakfast and Learn!
Mock Loan App Step by Step Process
Thursday, June 16th
@ 9:30
Cafe Express
1101 Uptown Park Blvd, Suite 12
Houston, TX 77056
RSVP to Annette:
Monday, June 13, 2016
How Are Computer Generated Approvals Even Allowed???
Monday, June 6, 2016
Things Happen When You Least Expect It!
The first official day of my kid's summer, my 5 year old fractured his left arm. Jumping happily on a trampoline, when he least expected it, his next 5 weeks changed in an instant. Cast above the elbow, 5 weeks, and its red. He also will NOT allow anyone to mark it or sign it. He wants the cast tidy and clean. The fruit does not fall far from the tree (I'm smiling).
Speaking of things happening when you least expect...that happens HOURLY in real estate. Ring a bell? That is why you should watch these two (2 min videos) about the TIMELINE, and WHY USING A LENDING TEAM IS IMPERATIVE.
Then, after that 4 minutes is over, download my Contract to Closing Checklist to the RIGHT. You will be glad you did. So it will only take you the next 10 minutes.
One of the many ways that I bring value to you! Our trusted referral partners. We want to bring you tools of efficiency, and ways for you to close more amazing transactions, so you can get another current client referral! No more internet and Zillow leads! Yipee!!!!!
Upcoming Realtor
Training Workshops
How to explode your business using the 10 Minute Realty app!
Wednesday, June 8th
@ 10:30am-11:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
Builder Panel- Trends In New Construction
Wednesday, June 22
@10:30 - 12:00
Breakfast and Learn!
Mock Loan App Step by Step Process
Thursday, June 16th
@ 9:30
Cafe Express
1101 Uptown Park Blvd, Suite 12
Houston, TX 77056
RSVP to Annette:
Thursday, June 2, 2016
We Saved This Deal; Don't Be Left Behind, Let Us Help!
We saved a deal this week! A 7pm (911) call from one of my realtors was so heartbreaking! The clients have had paperwork with a (big) can take a few guesses and be right......and its supposed to close Tuesday 5/31. So 7 days before closing, the loan is denied (it had JUST gotten to underwriting). We got the client in the next day, all the paperwork, and YES we are able to do the deal.
The reason? Well, they were not creative enough. Its a common theme when your buyers go to ONE company that has only ONE set of guidelines, theirs.
At Legacy, we represent dozens of lenders, and therefore, we have dozens of ways to do things!
Don't be left behind! Let us give a second opinion to your borrowers before its too late. It will cost them nothing but time.
Upcoming Realtor
Training Workshops
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Millennial Home Buying & Why You Should Choose Us!
So my 10 year old got THREE behavior marks in one day. Oh brother. He is one of those extroverted kids, loves to make people laugh... Just at the wrong times. We've been working on timing since he was about 4. Poor little guy. He just loves to talk and talk and talk. I wonder where he got that from!?
So Mom had to have 'the talk' with him about real life. I figured he is old enough to know the truth. I asked him if he knew what an A player was. What a B player was? So then, I told him he was a C player (sometimes an A and sometimes a B...we just never know what we are gonna get). So that makes him a C. It's harsh, I know. But you know what? In 8 years I'm going to turn this kid over to the world! He needs to get it!
So tonight , yes, I will give him some TLC and tons of praise and hugs.
The Houston Business Journal, the week of April 22, had some great statistics out on Millennial Home buying:
82% Millennial Renters In Houston will want to purchase a home
72% of the same group say they cannot afford to buy a home.
6 years- The average time it would take a Millennial renter to save up a 20% down payment, based on current savings rates.
The good news is...they don't need 20% down! Call us today about 3% down programs up to $417,000! Also, we have a professionals program, 5% down to 1.5 million!
Their best bet is to get a consult with a lender asap. No cost at all or obligation!
Training Workshops
Brunch & Learn:
Strategies to Boost Your Financial Freedom
Wednesday, May 25th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Monday, May 16, 2016
Drifting, Driven, or Directed; Which One Are You?
So many of you , my referral partners and industry friends, know that I am a coach for THE #1 lender/realtor coaching firm in the nation ( We are right now at the biannual summit in Orlando. Day 1 just ended, and I have so many notes I could go home right now!
An important nugget I will share to you for free! Today we talked about everyone is either one of three things: Drifting, Driven, or Directed. Which one are you? We are all three. Its human nature! It's common to weave in and out of all of them at given points in time.
Let me give you a hint. You want to strive to be more directed. It can be in the form of being directed by God, your spouse, your pastor, your boss, etc. We all have to answer to someone. If we do not, and are just driven, it can lead to selfishness, and chaos. Drifting leads to chaos as well.
So...what is the solution? Structure. That's why I am addicted to the Core training, and why I send you info on their webinars, etc. Pay attention to my stuff! I am handing you these nuggets on a silver platter for free guys. Our students pay $2500/mo to get this information.
Bottom line, you need to hang around me. I want to earn your trust. I want to be your trusted lender and mortgage consultant. I want to take care of you and your clients, and let my team give them an AMAZING experience, so you get another current client referral.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Training Workshops
Brunch & Learn:
Mock Loan Applications
Wednesday, May 18th
@ 10:30am
Brunch & Learn:
Strategies to Boost Your Financial Freedom
Wednesday, May 25th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Rates are Rock Bottom Low; Call Me for Assistance on Running Numbers!
For you mom's out there- Happy Mother's Day!
Some Mom Trivia for you! Courtesy of FTD:
- Nearly 50% of mom's expect a gift from their spouse on this day.
- Only 6% of dad's feel that it is important to give a gift.
- 75% of mom's want flowers.
- Runners up are plants, jewelry, candy.
- Here are some top traditions around the world!
Now back to mortgage rates!
The past few weeks have been up and down for rates for sure! The bottom line is that rates are rock bottom low! Your buyers can still obtain unbelievable rates, and your sellers can maybe take advantage of appreciation, get a home equity to do the improvements to sell the house for top dollar! Call me if you need any assistance at all running numbers!
Read here about why mortgage rates are so low!
Training Workshops
Brunch & Learn:
Mock Loan Applications
Wednesday, May 18th
@ 10:30am
Brunch & Learn:
Strategies to Boost Your Financial Freedom
Wednesday, May 25th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Appraisers Are Backlogged, But We Are Here If You Need Us!
Following up on flooding here in Houston:
All properties that were appraised BEFORE the flooding:
The appraiser must go back out to the property and re inspect to see if it flooded.
This is causing appraisers all over the city to be backlogged. Turn times are increased.
Stay in close contact with your lenders on turn times and expectations!
If you need us...we are HERE!
Send me your next buyer, I look forward to EARNING your business with our ability to close ON TIME, ACCURATELY, and with TONS of COMMUNICATION.
Check out our turn times :
FHA/CONV- 30 days
VA- 40 days
Jumbo - 40 days
Training Workshops
Brunch & Learn:
Trials & Tribulations
of Applying for a
Mortgage Loan
Wednesday, May 18th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Monday, April 25, 2016
Recent Flooding in Houston; Here's How You Can Help!!!
This week's column is dedicated to information about our city's recent flooding. Be sure to SCROLL DOWN for info from FEMA and how to help!
What a week it has been in the Houston area. For our out of town readers, Monday we were pounded by rain. There are areas that have never flooded, that flooded, and I mean flooded. The Houston metro area is infiltrated with 10 bayous , of which EIGHT overflowed their banks within 24 hours. Incredible devastation. I'm a native Houstonian, and never has there been such extensive damage.
How you can help:
- DONATE MONEY- Houston's official Storm Recovery Fund
- VOLUNTEER at the Food Bank to assemble food relief packages
Here are some useful links about what to do after a flood. Please pass to someone in need!
- What to do after a flood
- The flood claim process
- FEMA's summary of coverage (NFIP)
- Current NFIP Handbook
Stay safe! Stay dry!
Training Workshops
Party with a Purpose:
with Habitat for Humanity!
Monday, April 25th
@ 5:00pm
North Italia
1700 Post Oak Blvd
Houston, TX 77056
Lunch & Learn:
Attention First Time
Home Buyers!
Wednesday, April 27th
@ 12:00pm
*Lunch Included*
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Why You Should Read Me!
This week's realtor workshop was on protesting tax appraisals. We had a PACKED room- standing room only . Cozean and Associates (they fight appraisals for consumers in the loop) gave a great presentation.
If you missed it...keep an eye on my events to the RIGHT! My goal is that our frequent workshops bring you value. Before you delete me, read me!
Hot off the press, some videos for you and your buyers to help understand CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tips To Improve Credit
Truth About Credit Inquiries
Credit Scoring
Training Workshops
Breakfast & Learn:
Appraisals in a Changing Market
Thursday, April 21st
@ 9:30am
*Breakfast Included*
Tradition Title Company
4000 Washington Ave, Ste 200
Houston, TX 77007
Lunch & Learn:
Attention First Time
Home Buyers!
Wednesday, April 27th
@ 12:00pm
*Lunch Included*
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette:
Monday, April 11, 2016
Learn to Manage Your Time!
It's definitely spring! My kids' baseball and soccer are in full swing, an my husband and I are quite a team carpooling each one to practice, games, etc. You have this one, I have that one..... So much fun though! To see the kids play. THAT is what life is all about.... more of just that. Being with the people we love most.
Do you struggle with time management like I do?
Here is a webinar (45 min), for you to watch. One of the Core's top realtor coaches talks about how to do MORE in LESS time! Sign me up!
This is just an example of the commitment myself and my team have to you....helping you with tools to close more transactions.
If you have not referred us lately...PLEASE DO! We WANT TO BE YOUR LENDER!
Training Workshops
Lunch & Learn:
Protesting Property Taxes
Wednesday, April 13th
@ 12:00pm
*Lunch Included*
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
Breakfast & Learn:
Appraisals in a Changing Market
Thursday, April 21st
@ 9:30am
*Breakfast Included*
Tradition Title Company
4000 Washington Ave, Ste 200
Houston, TX 77007
RSVP to Annette:
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Monday, April 4, 2016
FREE Training on How to Double Your Business!
Have you clicked on any of my checklists or videos to the RIGHT lately? There are some nuggets that I hand you on a SILVER PLATTER.. Use them!
Before you delete me... just know that my mission , passion and complete determination is that you have the tools you need to succeed and give an AMAZING experience to your clients, so they send you another referral.
Each year, I personally coach 24 top lenders in the nation, and by the end of their 2 years, they double their businesses. They pay $2500/month to get the Core's training, why wouldn't you let me do that for you for FREE? If you are serious about growing your business, whether a realtor, builder, banker, insurance agent, will benefit from clicking on my stuff to the right.
That's it for this week! Thanks for your referrals, and would be honored to have the next one!
Read Here about what happened in the markets this week!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Change the Planet Week & More!
In our office it was Change the Planet Week! We do this once a quarter. This time we assembled care packages for veterans. It was so simple, yet the impact will be awesome! So now we are going to do this every 2 months , have an hour where everyone goes to the conference room and decorates and stuffs the boxes with card games, food, spices, gum, books, etc.... To make these ladies and gentlemen feel special. They ARE special! More info at
As far as mortgages go, we are seeing so many buyers applying. However, not a lot of contracts. Either losing offers (yes, still multiple offers out there), or what they want, is higher than what they can afford.
Suggestions when you are sending us your clients:
1) Encourage them to meet us face to face! Even seasoned homebuyers need to get a check on cash to close, payment etc. In person is ALWAYS more productive.
2) Let them know the value of working with a lending TEAM. Here is a quick video!
and next weeks' Employment Report.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Mountains vs. Anthills!
Today's message will be inspirational! One of my business mentors recently reminded me of the difference of the challenges we face. He said problems are either ANT HILLS, or MOUNTAINS.
A Mountain is:
Anthills are:
The difference is this, mountains take a long time to climb and overcome. Anthills we choose to just step over.
Next time you are stressed or frustrated, ask yourself, is it an Mountain or an Anthill? It will keep your life in more balance, your pressure manageable and your stress at just the right temperature!
Monday, March 14, 2016
It's Spring Break, But Never Take a Break from These 6 Things!
Spring Break is here! If you have kids, or grand kids, enjoy this time. Work will always be waiting for you, so relax a little bit! I will be. We go to the beach on Sunday.
As for your mortgage needs for your clients, my team will not miss a beat! They are working away at the office. In fact, we are about to SAVE A DEAL. The borrower closes 3/31- and 4 other lenders already denied him. Credit score is 590- and on FHA we can go down to 580. A great borrower, just had a couple credit hiccups. My team has the bandwidth and patience to deal with challenging scenarios! That ONE OF THE REASONS that having a team is great for you! We have the energy and group experience to put our heads together to get your deals closed! And we love the easy deals too by the way!
This week at the CRS luncheon I had the pleasure of hearing the TREC Chair , Avis Wukasch, speak. Here are 6 things to watch out for! Many of them are new regulations, or changes of the current ones. Here is what she said below:
1. IABS (Information About Brokerage Services)
- required to fill out, and put on your website, facebook biz page, or anything public. Yes , you still present on 1st face to face meeting.
- if you put in an email, it must be in the BODY, not below at the bottom, lost where they may not see it.
2. Consumer Notice-
2. Consumer Notice-
- put on your website, on facebook biz page,
- In your office it must be in full view, if you have a home office it must be on your website.
3. You CANNOT use the word 'value'. Instead use price.
3. You CANNOT use the word 'value'. Instead use price.
- For example: " this is the value of your home' or click here to find value. (DONT SAY THIS) Instead say price.
- When you use the word 'value' , it alludes that you are an appraiser! This is against Federal law! (unless you are an appraiser)
4. Accidental POA (Power of Attorney)
- Let's say the buyer /seller instructs you to sign , initial for them!!!!!!! (example- they are out of town, or on a plane, etc)
-No!!!!!! Not even ' by agent' ! Unless an official POA (power of attorney) has been signed by them designating you as their agent.
-This is fraud. So just don't do it.
5. Accidental Property Management
- seller is out of town (for example) , and asks you to pay a landscaper in the interim and they pay you back.
-No!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if the vendor messes it up!? This is a major liability you are causing for yourself, and your broker.
-Just dont do it. YOu can organize the vendor/repair (get in writing that you presented the seller with options, Avis suggests!)- but do NOT PAY with your funds to be repaid.
6. Agency
6. Agency
- when you, the agent, are also the buyer and/or seller, paragraph 4 states clearly that you cannot represent both sides!!!!
As always, I hope you found my information helpful today!
Have a glorious weekend, where ever you are!
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