Friday, February 20, 2009

Where is my mortgage relief?

Just when I thought my ‘drama factor’ for the week had been accomplished squashing my three year old’s meltdown over which shoes to wear, the Galleria area near our office was swarmed with helicopters and FBI agents on the roof of the Stanford Financial building. What a shame that is, seeing the destruction of yet another financial institution. Can we trust anything anymore? And then the first article on CNN Money today was “ Expect a wave of bank failures’. That may be the case, but for me , personally, I can express that I have never felt more job security in my 14 years as a mortgage originator. And I work for a bank. Patriot Bank is steadfast and strong. Not only are we the 6th largest bank domiciled in Houston, but we have been profitable since our 5th month in business after opening in March of 2005. The year ending 2008, we generated more than 4 mm in net profit, and we maintain < 1 % of net loans charged off as a percentage of loans outstanding. Not only that, our asset to debt ratio exceeds the limit set by the FDIC as a minimum bank requirement. Please know that at Patriot, we are your trusted source in mortgage lending. And we are here for the long haul.

Changing the subject……….Where is my mortgage relief? I pay my mortgage on time, and sometimes we struggle. I could use some relief! Oh, wait a minute. I need to be 3 months behind on payments to get any relief, like a lower rate, or payment, or renegotiation with my lender. At first thought, that bothered me. Should we really destroy the incentive to act responsibly? Capitalism will not work without the possibility of failure!

But a guest on CNBC Sqwak Box yesterday summed it up nicely ‘ The Kool Aid has been flowing freely for a long time, and we all drank it”. Boy did we ever! We have all benefited in some way, whether it be cashing in on our home equity, selling our house at a rock star value , stock profits, the car loan at 1.9%, the 0% credit cards, etc. If we do fail, foreign investors will lose confidence in our system. Their investments in our economy has kept us going, believe it or not. And our home values. If we allow our neighbor to foreclose, the values in our neighborhood decline. So you see, my part in all this is to continue to do the right thing. Pay my mortgage since I can, and allow those that need it, and have hardship, to benefit from the policies of recent that have been put in place. We will all be rewarded some day, when this is behind us, and we have learned the larger lesson , which has yet to be defined.

To clarify my article of last week, the First Time Homebuyer Credit of $8,000 is not required to be repaid. A first time homebuyer is defined as anyone who has not owned a home in the last THREE years.

Product of the Week: Check out the 5 and 7 ARM Jumbo Rates below! 4.75% !

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