Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Weekly Market Update, August 4th-8th

Hello, friends!

At a recent lunch with a local developer, who is also a veteran, he had intel that over the next 18 months, the government will be bringing back into the communities 130,000 troops. There is a concentrated effort to push the vets to Texas (Dallas, FW, San Antonio and--you guessed it--Houston!!). Actually, Houston is at the top of the list, and its estimated that 65,000 vets will come over the next 18 months.

So join me, fellow Houstonians, in celebrating our city's vibrant health, and lets all do our part to be 1) good citizens, 2) give back through philanthropy to the city that has been so good to us, and 3) adopt a 'pay-it-forward' attitude, if you have not already.  

What is happening TODAY will shape the lives of our children and the LEGACY we will be leaving behind.


Ukrainian conflicts had the biggest effect on mortgage rates this week. Ending the week flat to slightly lower, the main news was the worry of the accuracy of Poland's suggestion that Russia is amassing troops on the border with Ukraine to prepare for an invasion. How would US and European nations respond? Sanctions could ensue, and the uncertainty about the outcome of this brewing conflict is just too much for investors to handle. So they race to the safe haven of bonds, which drives prices of bonds up, and yields (or rates) down.

By the way...Notice anything?

We've revamped my blog! Let us know what you think, either in a comment below, or through social media!

Enjoy your weekend!


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