Monday, October 27, 2014

All right, Cute Family Story Time...Plus Markets

Try to visualize a mom walking through the HEB parking lot, holding both kids' hands, and the little one stopping in mid traffic, "STOP! Wait a minute mommy, I have to do something". Afraid her son was hurt, the mom stops, and proceeds to watch her little 4 year old pick his nose in the middle of the bustling street.  

The hysterical things these little kids do really makes life worth living!

In the Markets:

After some really volatile weeks, there were no major surprises in the last 5 days, ending rates nearly unchanged. The big story NEXT WEEK will be the Fed meeting on Wednesday, and will shed some light on a possible future rate hike, if any. Stay tuned! Read more HERE!

Enjoy the weekend, and as always, we would be HONORED FOR YOUR NEXT REFERRAL!
