Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy New Year!

This morning I took the kids to school, and I LOVE that we have a longer commute! The conversation today went from 70's music (my 9 year old is obsessed with the disco era!), questioning me if I had an afro (does big hair in the 80's count?), and when I was going to have a little baby in my tummy (that came from the 4 year old).  

If they want a little sister, they have to settle for the dog Lola!  Just to be clear, there is no baby in the tummy. The stream of consciousness though was HILARIOUS, and really got my day off to a great start!

Speaking of great start! FHA is really stepping up to make homeownership more affordable this year!
 In the markets:
Last week bond yields (hence mortgage rates) DECLINED with the news of concerns about the pace of global economic growth. READ MORE HERE! 

May you be on your way to much professional and personal success in 2015!
~ Jen

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