Monday, March 28, 2016

Change the Planet Week & More!

In our office it was Change the Planet Week! We do this once a quarter. This time we assembled care packages for veterans. It was so simple, yet the impact will be awesome! So now we are going to do this every 2 months , have an hour where everyone goes to the conference room and decorates and stuffs the boxes with card games, food, spices, gum, books, etc.... To make these ladies and gentlemen feel special. They ARE special! More info at
As far as mortgages go, we are seeing so many buyers applying. However, not a lot of contracts. Either losing offers (yes, still multiple offers out there), or what they want, is higher than what they can afford.
Suggestions when you are sending us your clients:
1) Encourage them to meet us face to face! Even seasoned homebuyers need to get a check on cash to close, payment etc. In person is ALWAYS more productive.
2) Let them know the value of working with a lending TEAM. Here is a quick video!

CLICK HERE to read what kept rates steady this week: Brussels, Fed Meeting,
and next weeks' Employment Report.  
 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Taxes for Realtors
Wednesday, April 6th
@ 12:30pm

*Lunch Included*

Tradition Title Company
22762 Westheimer Pkwy, Ste 415
Katy, TX 77450

RSVP to Annette: