Monday, March 21, 2016

Mountains vs. Anthills!

Today's message will be inspirational! One of my business mentors recently reminded me of the difference of the challenges we face. He said problems are either ANT HILLS, or MOUNTAINS.
A  Mountain is:
  •          Cancer
  •          Car wreck
  •          Wife is taking drugs
  •          Husband hit you and
  •          You can't afford food
Anthills are:
  •          You have too much to do in one day
  •          Loan got denied
  •          You have the flu
  •          You were reprimanded
  •          You woke up late
  •          Kids are acting out
  •          Traffic
  •          Car won't start
  •          Etc.
The difference is this, mountains take a long time to climb and overcome.  Anthills we choose to just step over
Next time you are stressed or frustrated, ask yourself, is it an Mountain or an Anthill?  It will keep your life in more balance, your pressure manageable and your stress at just the right temperature!

 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Budgeting Tactics to Save 20% of Your Income Each Month!
Wednesday, March 23rd
@ 12:00pm

*Lunch Included*

2500 City West Blvd
Suite 750, 77042

RSVP to Annette:


1 comment:

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