Monday, March 7, 2016

Never Trust Zillow!

Ok, I'm on a little bit of a rampage on 'Zestimate' since these adorable first time home buyers just left my office. We went through monthly payment for the house they saw on Zillow, and the payment I came up with was $1700/month. The husband looks on his phone, and says "Why on Zillow does it show the estimated payment as $1200/mo?"

So $500/mo difference. My interest was peaked. First off, it had no PMI, so the system must assume a 20% down payment. Secondly, they had the taxes pulling from the tax rolls, which you and I both know is underestimated half the time if the seller is a pro at protesting their taxes! So there you have it! ZILLOW is not my favorite site. It misleads borrowers into a false payment scenario. More reason for you to EDUCATE YOUR BUYERS TO GET PRE APPROVED BY A REPUTABLE SOURCE! 
In the Markets:
Read Here to see why rates were slightly higher this week!

 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Taxes for Realtors
Learn tips and tricks from a CPA!
Wednesday, March 9th
@ 12:00pm

*Lunch Included*

2500 City West Blvd
Suite 750, 77042


Breakfast & Learn:
Tactics to Work Successfully with Title and Lenders in the New World of TRID
Thursday, March 10th
@ 8:45am

*Breakfast Included*

Cafe Express - Uptown Park
1101 Uptown Blvd, 77056

RSVP to Annette: