Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Appraisers Are Backlogged, But We Are Here If You Need Us!

Following up on flooding here in Houston:
All properties that were appraised BEFORE the flooding:
The appraiser must go back out to the property and re inspect to see if it flooded.
This is causing appraisers all over the city to be backlogged. Turn times are increased.
Stay in close contact with your lenders on turn times and expectations!
If you need us...we are HERE!
Send me your next buyer, I look forward to EARNING your business with our ability to close ON TIME, ACCURATELY, and with TONS of COMMUNICATION.
Check out our turn times :
FHA/CONV- 30 days
VA- 40 days
Jumbo - 40 days
 Training Workshops
Brunch & Learn:
Trials & Tribulations 
of Applying for a 
Mortgage Loan
Wednesday, May 18th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042
RSVP to Annette: