Monday, May 16, 2016

Drifting, Driven, or Directed; Which One Are You?

So many of you , my referral partners and industry friends, know that I am a coach for THE #1 lender/realtor coaching firm in the nation ( We are right now at the biannual summit in Orlando. Day 1 just ended, and I have so many notes I could go home right now!
An important nugget I will share to you for free! Today we talked about everyone is either one of three things: Drifting, Driven, or Directed. Which one are you? We are all three. Its human nature! It's common to weave in and out of all of them at given points in time.
Let me give you a hint. You want to strive to be more directed. It can be in the form of being directed by God, your spouse, your pastor, your boss, etc. We all have to answer to someone. If we do not, and are just driven, it can lead to selfishness, and chaos. Drifting leads to chaos as well.
So...what is the solution?  Structure. That's why I am addicted to the Core training, and why I send you info on their webinars, etc. Pay attention to my stuff! I am handing you these nuggets on a silver platter for free guys. Our students pay $2500/mo to get this information.
Bottom line, you need to hang around me. I want to earn your trust. I want to be your trusted lender and mortgage consultant. I want to take care of you and your clients, and let my team give them an AMAZING experience, so you get another current client referral.
Hope to hear from you soon.
 Training Workshops

Brunch & Learn:
Mock Loan Applications
Wednesday, May 18th
@ 10:30am
Brunch & Learn:
Strategies to Boost Your Financial Freedom
Wednesday, May 25th
@ 10:30am
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
2500 City West Blvd, Ste 750
Houston, TX 77042

RSVP to Annette: