Monday, March 28, 2016

Change the Planet Week & More!

In our office it was Change the Planet Week! We do this once a quarter. This time we assembled care packages for veterans. It was so simple, yet the impact will be awesome! So now we are going to do this every 2 months , have an hour where everyone goes to the conference room and decorates and stuffs the boxes with card games, food, spices, gum, books, etc.... To make these ladies and gentlemen feel special. They ARE special! More info at
As far as mortgages go, we are seeing so many buyers applying. However, not a lot of contracts. Either losing offers (yes, still multiple offers out there), or what they want, is higher than what they can afford.
Suggestions when you are sending us your clients:
1) Encourage them to meet us face to face! Even seasoned homebuyers need to get a check on cash to close, payment etc. In person is ALWAYS more productive.
2) Let them know the value of working with a lending TEAM. Here is a quick video!

CLICK HERE to read what kept rates steady this week: Brussels, Fed Meeting,
and next weeks' Employment Report.  
 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Taxes for Realtors
Wednesday, April 6th
@ 12:30pm

*Lunch Included*

Tradition Title Company
22762 Westheimer Pkwy, Ste 415
Katy, TX 77450

RSVP to Annette:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mountains vs. Anthills!

Today's message will be inspirational! One of my business mentors recently reminded me of the difference of the challenges we face. He said problems are either ANT HILLS, or MOUNTAINS.
A  Mountain is:
  •          Cancer
  •          Car wreck
  •          Wife is taking drugs
  •          Husband hit you and
  •          You can't afford food
Anthills are:
  •          You have too much to do in one day
  •          Loan got denied
  •          You have the flu
  •          You were reprimanded
  •          You woke up late
  •          Kids are acting out
  •          Traffic
  •          Car won't start
  •          Etc.
The difference is this, mountains take a long time to climb and overcome.  Anthills we choose to just step over
Next time you are stressed or frustrated, ask yourself, is it an Mountain or an Anthill?  It will keep your life in more balance, your pressure manageable and your stress at just the right temperature!

 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Budgeting Tactics to Save 20% of Your Income Each Month!
Wednesday, March 23rd
@ 12:00pm

*Lunch Included*

2500 City West Blvd
Suite 750, 77042

RSVP to Annette:


Monday, March 14, 2016

It's Spring Break, But Never Take a Break from These 6 Things!

Spring Break is here! If you have kids, or grand kids, enjoy this time. Work will always be waiting for you, so relax a little bit! I will be. We go to the beach on Sunday.
As for your mortgage needs for your clients, my team will not miss a beat! They are working away at the office. In fact, we are about to SAVE A DEAL. The borrower closes 3/31- and 4 other lenders already denied him. Credit score is 590- and on FHA we can go down to 580. A great borrower, just had a couple credit hiccups. My team has the bandwidth and patience to deal with challenging scenarios! That ONE OF THE REASONS that having a team is great for you! We have the energy and group experience to put our heads together to get your deals closed! And we love the easy deals too by the way! 
This week at the CRS luncheon I had the pleasure of hearing the TREC Chair , Avis Wukasch, speak. Here are 6 things to watch out for! Many of them are new regulations, or changes of the current ones. Here is what she said below:

1.  IABS (Information About Brokerage Services)
    - required to fill out, and put on your website, facebook biz page, or anything public. Yes , you still present on 1st face to face meeting. 
    -  if you put in an email, it must be in the BODY, not below at the bottom, lost where they may not see it.
2.  Consumer Notice- 
    - put on your website, on facebook biz page,
    - In your office it must be in full view, if you have a home office it must be on your website.
3.  You CANNOT use the word 'value'. Instead use price. 
    - For example:  " this is the value of your home' or click here to find value. (DONT SAY THIS) Instead say price. 
    - When you use the word 'value' , it  alludes that you are an appraiser! This is against Federal law! (unless you are an appraiser) 
4. Accidental POA (Power of Attorney) 
    - Let's say the buyer /seller instructs you to sign , initial for them!!!!!!! (example- they are out of town, or on a plane, etc)
    -No!!!!!! Not even ' by agent' !  Unless an official POA (power of attorney) has been signed by them designating you as their agent. 
   -This is fraud. So just don't do it.
5.  Accidental Property Management
    - seller is out of town (for example) , and asks you to pay a landscaper in the interim and they pay you back. 
    -No!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if the vendor messes it up!? This is a major liability you are causing for yourself, and your broker. 
    -Just dont do it. YOu can organize the vendor/repair (get in writing that you presented the seller with options, Avis suggests!)- but do NOT PAY with your funds to be repaid. 
6.  Agency
    - when you, the agent,  are also the  buyer and/or seller, paragraph 4 states clearly that you  cannot represent both sides!!!!
As always, I hope you found my information helpful today!
Have a glorious weekend, where ever you are!


 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Budgeting Tactics to Save 20% of Your Income Each Month!
Wednesday, March 23rd
@ 12:00pm

*Lunch Included*

2500 City West Blvd
Suite 750, 77042

RSVP to Annette:

Monday, March 7, 2016

Never Trust Zillow!

Ok, I'm on a little bit of a rampage on 'Zestimate' since these adorable first time home buyers just left my office. We went through monthly payment for the house they saw on Zillow, and the payment I came up with was $1700/month. The husband looks on his phone, and says "Why on Zillow does it show the estimated payment as $1200/mo?"

So $500/mo difference. My interest was peaked. First off, it had no PMI, so the system must assume a 20% down payment. Secondly, they had the taxes pulling from the tax rolls, which you and I both know is underestimated half the time if the seller is a pro at protesting their taxes! So there you have it! ZILLOW is not my favorite site. It misleads borrowers into a false payment scenario. More reason for you to EDUCATE YOUR BUYERS TO GET PRE APPROVED BY A REPUTABLE SOURCE! 
In the Markets:
Read Here to see why rates were slightly higher this week!

 Training Workshops

Lunch & Learn:
Taxes for Realtors
Learn tips and tricks from a CPA!
Wednesday, March 9th
@ 12:00pm

*Lunch Included*

2500 City West Blvd
Suite 750, 77042


Breakfast & Learn:
Tactics to Work Successfully with Title and Lenders in the New World of TRID
Thursday, March 10th
@ 8:45am

*Breakfast Included*

Cafe Express - Uptown Park
1101 Uptown Blvd, 77056

RSVP to Annette: